Publications in Liquid Ventilation / Publications en ventilation liquidienne

Publications in international journals

Morin, C*; Simard, E; See, W*; Sage, M*; Roqaya, I; Nadeau, C; Samson, N; Lavoie, P; Chabot, B; Marouan, S; Tremblay, S; Praud, JP; Micheau, P; Fortin-Pellerin, E. (2023). Total liquid ventilation in an ovine modelof extreme prematurity: a randomized study. Pediatric Research, 95: 974–980, 2024.

Morin, C., et al. (2023). “Prise en charge d’agneaux extrêmement prématurés par la ventilation liquidienne totale.” Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 40(2): 154-155.

Christophe Morin, Symon Stowe, Charles Alain, Wendy See, Michaël Sage, Charlène Nadeau, Nathalie Samson, Andy Adler, Philippe Micheau, Jean-Paul Praud, Étienne Fortin-Pellerin, Conventional vs High-Frequency Ventilation for Weaning from Total Liquid Ventilation in Lambs, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Volume 299, 2022

W See, C Morin, M Sage, S Stowe, C Gohier, S Nault, P Micheau, A Adler, É Fortin-Pellerin, Air distribution within the lungs after total liquid ventilation in a neonatal ovine model, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology,Volume 290, 2021.

M Sage, See WW, Nault S, Morin C, Michalski C, Chabot B, Marouan S, Lavoie P M, Micheau P, Praud JP and Fortin-Pellerin É, Effect of low versus high tidal-volume total liquid ventilation on pulmonary inflammation, Front. Physiol. – Respiratory Physiology, on line 2020.

M. Sage, S. Stowe, A. Adler, C. Forand-Choinière, M. Nadeau, C. Berger, S. Marouan, P. Micheau, R. Tissier, J-P Praud, É. Fortin-Pellerin, Perflubron distribution during transition from gas to total liquid ventilation, Frontiers in Physiology, accepted 2018.

M Nadeau, JY Denaclara, R Tissier, H Walti, P Micheau, Patient-Specific Optimal Cooling Power Command for Hypothermia Induction by Liquid Ventilation, Control Engineering Practice, Vol 77, 109-117, 2018.

M Sage, M Nadeau, C Foran-Choinière, J Mousseau, J Vandamme, C Berger, JS Tremblay-Roy, R Tissier, P Micheau, E Fortin-Pellerin, Assessing the impacts of total liquid ventilation on left ventricular diastolic function in a model of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, PLoS ONE 13(1) January 2018.

M Nadeau, M Sage, M Kohlhauer, J Mousseau, J Vandamme, E Fortin-Pellerin, JP Praud, R Tissier, H Walti, P Micheau. Optimal Control of Inspired Perfluorocarbon Temperature for Ultrafast Hypothermia Induction by Total Liquid Ventilation in Adult Patient Model, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2017.

M Sage, M Nadeau, M Kohlhauer, JP Praud, R Tissier, R Robert, H Walti and P Micheau. Effect of ultra-fast mild hypothermia using total liquid ventilation on hemodynamics and respiratory mechanics, Cryobiologie, 99-101, 2017.

M. Nadeau, M. Sage, M. Kohlhauer, j. Vandamme, J. Mousseau, R. Robert, R. Tissier, J.-P. Praud, H. Walti et P. Micheau, Thermal Dynamics in Newborn and Juvenile Models Cooled by Total Liquid Ventilation, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 63(7), 1483-1491, 2016.

M. Nadeau, P. Micheau, R. Robert, O. Avoine, R. Tissier, P.S. Germim, J. Vandamme, JP Praud, H. Walti, Core body temperature control by total liquid ventilation using a virtual lung temperature sensor, IEEE Trans.Biomed. Eng., 61(12), 2859-2868, Dec. 2014.

N. Samson, O. Avoine, H. Walti, P. Micheau, JP. Praud, The ovines, unique models for research into perinatal respiration, Revue Médecine Sciences Amérique, 14 p, 1(4), 2012.

A. Beaulieu, D. Bossé, P. Micheau, O. Avoine, JP Praud, H. Walti, Measurement of Fractional Order Model Parameters of Respiratory Mechanical Impedance in Total Liquid Ventilation, IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering, 59(2):323-31, 2012.

O. Avoine, D. Bossé, B. Beaudry, A. Beaulieu, R. Albadine, JP Praud, R. Robert, P. Micheau and H. Walti, Total Liquid Ventilation efficacy in an Ovine Model of severe meconium aspiration syndrome, Critical Care Medicine, 39(5), 2011

A. Beaulieu, E. Foucault, P. Braud, P. Micheau, and P. Szeger, A flowmeter for unsteady liquid flow measurements, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22(2), p. 131-137, 2011

D. Bossé, H. Walti, R. Robert, J. Lebon, O. Lesur, JP. Praud, and P. Micheau, Experimental validation of cardiac output measurement using transpulmonary thermodilution technique in neonatal Tidal Liquid Ventilation, ASAIO Journal, 56(6), 557-562, 2010

R. Robert, P. Micheau, O. Avoine, B. Beaudry, A. Beaulieu, H. Walti, A Regulator for Pressure Controlled Liquid Ventilation, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 57(9), 2267-2276, 2010

D. Bosse, A. Beaulieu, O. Avoine, P. Micheau, JP Praud, and H. Walti, Neonatal Total Liquid Ventilation: Is Low Frequency Forced Oscillation Technique Suitable for Respiratory Mechanics Assessment?, Journal of Applied Physiology, 109:501-510, 2010

ML. Costantino, P. Micheau, T. H. Shaffer, S. Tredici, MR. Wolfson, Clinical Design Functions: Round table discussions on bioengineering of liquid ventilators, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal, May-Jun; 55(3):206-8, 2009.

R. Robert, P. Micheau, and H. Walti, Optimal expiratory volume profile in tidal liquid ventilation under steady state conditions, based on a symmetrical lung model, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal, 55(1), 63-72, January/February 2009

R. Robert, P. Micheau, H. Walti, A Supervisor for Volume-Controlled Tidal Liquid Ventilator Using Independent Piston Pumps, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (2) 267-274, 2007

R. Robert, P. Micheau, S. Cyr, O. Lesur, J.P. Praud, H. Walti, Prototype of volume-controlled tidal liquid ventilator using independent piston pumps, American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal, 52(6):638-45, Nov-Dec 2006.

Publications in Collaboration with ENVA

Emilie Boissady, Matthias Kohlhauer, Fanny Lidouren, Hakim Hocini, Cécile Lefebvre, Sophie Chateau‐Jouber, Nicolas Mongardon, Nicolas Deye, Alain Cariou, Philippe Micheau, Bijan Ghaleh, and Renaud Tissier, Ultra-fast hypothermia selectively mitigates the early humoral response after cardiac arrest, Journal of the American Heart Association, vol 9, (23), November 2020.

M Kohlhauer, F Lidouren, L de Rochefort, M Nadeau, Mathieu, J Rambaud, A Hutin, RM Dubuisson, G Guillot, Geneviève, P Pey, P Bruneval, E Fortin-Pellerin, M Sage, H Walti, A Cariou, JD Ricard, A Berdeaux, N Mongardon, B Ghaleh, P Micheau and R Tissier: A new paradigm for Lung conservative liquid ventilation. EBIOMEDICINE, August 2019. A new paradig m for Lung conservative liquid ventilation. EBIOMEDICINE, Vol. 52:102365, February 2020

Mongardon N, Kohlhauer M, Lidouren F, Barretto M, Micheau P, Adam C, Dhonneur G, Ghaleh B, Tissier R. Targeted temperature management with total liquid ventilation after ischemic spinal cord injury, Ann Thorac Surg. Accepted Aug 2018.

Demené C, Maresca D, Kohlhauer M, Lidouren F, Micheau P, Ghaleh B, Pernot M, Tissier R, Tanter M, Multiparametric functional ultrasound imaging of cerebral blood flow in a cardiac arrest and post-resuscitation model, Scientific Reports, published on line, November 2018

J Rambaud, F Lidouren, M Sage, M Kohlhauer, M Nadeau, E Fortin-Pellerin, P Micheau, L Zilberstein, N Mongardon, J-D Ricard, M Terada, P Bruneval, A Berdeaux, B Ghaleh, H Walti, R Tissier, Hypothermic total liquid ventilation after experimental aspiration-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome, Annals of Intensive Care, 8:57, 2018

Kohlhauer M, Berdeaux A, Kerber RE, Micheau P, Ghaleh B, Tissier R. Liquid Ventilation for the Induction of Ultrafast Hypothermia in Resuscitation Sciences: A Review. The Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2016 Jun;6(2):63-70, 2016.

N Mongardon, M Kohlhauer, F Lidouren, T. Hauet, S. Giraud, A. Hutin, B. Costes, C. Barau, P. Bruneval, P. Micheau, A. Cariou, G. Dhonneur, A. Berdeaux, B Ghaleh, R. Tissier, A Brief Period of Hypothermia Induced by Total Liquid Ventilation Decreases End-Organ Damage and Multiorgan Failure Induced by Aortic Cross-Clamping”, Anesthesia & Analgesia 123(3):659-69, 2016.

M. Kohlhauer et al, Hypothermic total liquid ventilation is highly protective through cerebral hemodynamic preservation and sepsis-like mitigation after asphyxial cardiac arrest, Critical Care Med, 43(10), 420-30, October 2015.

N. Mongardon, et al, Effet de l’hypothermie systémique par ventilation liquidienne totale au cours du choc par ischémie/reperfusion par clampage aortique chez le lapin, Annales Françaises d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation, Volume 33, Page A391, Sept. 2014.

N. Mongardon, et al (15 authors), Ultrafast whole body cooling induced by hypothermic total liquid ventilation attenuates shock after aortic cross clamping in rabbits, resuscitation, vol. 85, S97-S98, may 2014.

Thesis (in French):

Christophe Morin, Ventilation gazeuse conventionnelle versus par oscillations à haute fréquence pour le sevrage de la ventilation liquidienne totale dans un modèle ovin nouveau-né, 2021

Jolli, Audrey, Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement dynamique du collapsus dans le cadre de la ventilation liquidienne totale, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2020

Denaclara, JY, Système de contrôle d’un échangeur de chaleur pour ventilateur liquidien, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2018.

Sage, M, Efficacité comparée du lavage pulmonaire thérapeutique par ventilation liquidienne totale et par solution diluée de surfactant exogène dans un modèle ovin de syndrome d’inhalation méconiale, Master Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2016.

Nadeau, M, Induction Optimale de l’Hypothermie par Ventilation Liquidienne Totale : Validation Experimentale et Projection a l’Humain. PhD Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2016.

Vandamme, J. Estimation de la pression alveolaire et de la compliance du systeme respiratoire en ventilation liquidienne totale. Master Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2015.

Mousseau, J. Developpement d’un simulateur de poumons reproduisant in vitro le collapsus expiratoire en ventilation liquidienne totale. Master Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2015.

Nadeau, M, Induction rapide, contrôlée par capteur de température virtuel, d’une hypothermie en ventilation liquidienne totale, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013.

Beaulieu, A., Développement d’outils de caractérisation de la mécanique pulmonaire en ventilation liquidienne totale, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011

Avoine, O, Ventilation liquidienne totale et syndrôme d’aspiration méconiale sévère, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2010

Bossé, D, Étude de la mécanique respiratoire par la technique des oscillations forcées au cours de la ventilation liquidienne totale, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009

Beaudry, B, L’évaluation et l’optimisation des échanges gazaux dans un oxygénateur de respirateur liquidien, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009.

Robert, R, Modélisation numérique et stratégie de commande du débit expiratoire pour éviter le collapsus des voies respiratoires en ventilation liquidienne totale, PhD Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2007.

Lebon, J, Conséquence hémodynamique de l’application de la ventilation liquidienne totale dans un modèle expérimental de syndrôme de détresse respiratoire aigue chez l’agneau nouveau-né, Master Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2007

Robert, R, Optimisation d’un ventilateur liquidien, Master Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2003.

Mazouzi, M, Développement d’un contrôleur pour un ventilateur liquidien, Master Thesis, Universite de Sherbrooke, 2001


Paper about the transfer of Inolivent liquid ventilator in the Start-Up Orixha (in French)

TASS Sience and Space, Liquid Breathing Technology can save people


P Micheau, R Tissier, M Nadeau, M Kohlhauer, J Vandamme, J Mousseau, Liquid ventilator and method to induce tidal liquid ventilation and/or hyperthermia, Canada, CA3097435A, April 12, 2019.

M. Nadeau, P. Micheau, R. Robert, H. Walti, O. Avoine, JP Praud, Indirect measurement in a total liquid ventilation system, WO 2014205548 A1, 2013.

Robert, S. Cyr, P. Micheau, H. Walti, J-P Praud, Method and apparatus for conducting total liquid ventilation with control of residual volume and ventilation cycle profile, US 7726311 B2, 2002.


Audrey Jolli, présentation de ses travaux de maitrise sur le collapsus expiratoire (in French):

Liquid Ventilation and hypothermia, the contribution of students (in French) :

Dynamique du collapsus expiratoire en ventilation liquidienne totale (in French):

The Start-Up Orixha

La détresse respiratoire du nouveau né, Radio Canada (in French), 2012.

Chapter of book

P. Micheau, R. Robert, B. Beaudry, A. Beaulieu, M. Nadeau, O. Avoine, M-E Rochon, J-P Praud, H Walti, Chapter: A Liquid ventilator prototype for total liquid ventilation preclinical studies, Bioengineering, In Tech Publisher, 2011.